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binder / binderhub-custom-files
MIT LicenseTemplate repository for customizing a Binder webpages.
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ensembl-gh-mirror / Bio-DB-HTS
Apache License 2.0Git repo for Bio::DB::HTS module on CPAN, providing Perl links into HTSlib
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This project defines a delayed job that runs biological sequence searches (BLAST).
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Ioannis Riziotis / Biopython
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBioPython with some changes I am making in the PDB package to fit best to my projects
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AIT / biovalidator
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Supplementary files for Borgthor Petursson's Thesis
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Abhik Mukhopadhyay / ccdutils
Apache License 2.0Small molecules chemistry toolkit. Documentation is available at Gitlab pages: https://pdbe.gitdocs.ebi.ac.uk/ccdutils/