Explore projects
Image to update FPSim2 fingerprints table. It can be used in all our services.
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HoloFood is a project investigating sustainable food production through hologenomics. This Django app is the data portal where samples and other datasets from the project are made publicly available.
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EnsEMBL Hive - a system for creating and running pipelines on a distributed compute resource
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This project contains an API that serves as a proxy of elasticsearch for the interface. It handles the caching, usage statistics, contexts and standardisation of properties.
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Data pipeline to generate the ChEBI Ontology from the ChEBI's Postgres Database.
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EnsembleFlex - Flexibility Analysis of Structure Ensembles
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Tools to load data into the ChEMBl Elastic Search cluster, and replicate it.
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ChEBI data in different formats: TSV, SDF and SQL Dumps
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Project to perform the data indexation process to the ChEBI platform