"description":"A path to the nextflow working directory in the ReadWriteMany Persistent Volume Claim shared by the driver and worker pods. Must be a unique path in the PVC not shared by other workflow instances, or weird things will happen."
"description":"An identifier assigned to the launched workflow instance. It should be universally unique to monitor the status of the launched workflow."
"description":"A globus endpoint ID. Files are transferred from this destination to local storage."
"description":"Validates the JSON representation of a samplesheet",
"description":"Sampleset name must be provided and cannot contain spaces"
"description":"VCF path must end with .vcf.gz, mutually exclusive with other formats",
"description":"Specify whether to import genotypes (default: GT), or imputed dosages (DS) from the VCF file.",
"description":"Plink 1 binary genotype file",
"description":"Plink 1 variant information file",
"description":"Plink 1 sample information file",
"description":"Plink 2 binary genotype file",
"description":"Plink 2 sample information file",
"description":"Plink 2 variant information file",
"description":"Specify the chromosome of associated genotyping data (must be in {1-22, X, XY, Y}). If all chromosomes are in the associated file (e.g. your data is not split by chromosome), set to null.",