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  • Jessica Yuen's avatar
    Introduce commands: 'ks param' and 'ks param set' · 8fc6c76c
    Jessica Yuen authored
    Parameters are the customizable fields defining ksonnet components. For
    example, replica count, component name, or deployment image.
    Parameters are also able to be defined separately across environments.
    Meaning, this supports features to allow a "development" environment to
    only run a single replication instance for it's components, whereas
    allowing a "production" environment to run more replication instances to
    meet heavier production load demands.
    'ks param set' is defined as follows:
      'ks param set <component-name> <param-key> <param-value>'
    Updates the replica count of the 'guestbook' component to 4.
      'ks param set guestbook replicas 4'
    Updates the replica count of the 'guestbook' component to 2 for the
    environment 'dev'
      'ks param set guestbook replicas 2 --env=dev'