*ksonnet* is a framework for writing, sharing, and deploying Kubernetes application manifests. With its CLI, you can generate a complete application from scratch in only a few commands, or manage a complex system at scale.
`ksonnet` allows you to express the patterns across your
Specifically, ksonnet allows you to:
infrastructure and reuse these powerful "templates" across many
**Reuse* common manifest patterns (within your app or from external libraries)
services, and then manage those templates as files in version control.
**Customize* manifests directly with powerful object concatenation syntax
The more complex your infrastructure is, the more you will gain from
**Deploy* app manifests to multiple environments
using kubecfg.
**Diff* across environments to compare two running versions of your app
**Track* the entire state of your app manifests in version control
Status: Basic functionality works, and the tool is usable. The focus
*STATUS: Development is ongoing—this tool is pre-alpha.*
now is on clearer error reporting and advanced features.