{`The first step to submitting a manuscript is to find the manuscript title and citation. We provide a title lookup function which will search Pubmed for a citation. If you can't find the manuscript, enter the information manually.`}
<H3>What you’ll need to complete the submission</H3>
<H3>What you’ll need to complete the submission</H3>
<li>Manuscript title</li>
<li>Manuscript title</li>
<li>Journal name if not in PubMed</li>
Journal name, other citation information if not found in PubMed
<li>Grant numbers</li>
<li>Grant numbers</li>
<li>All manuscript files including supplemental data</li>
<li>All manuscript files including supplemental data</li>
{`Generally, the accepted peer reviewed version of the manuscript, or the version of record for creative commons licensed articles, should be submitted. Check your journal’s version policy at `}
{` database for publishers' open access policies.`}
<H3>How should I label files?</H3>
<H3>What is the best way to label files?</H3>
{`The labels are intended to help reviewers put your manuscript together as intended. Provide a label that matches the corresponding file as mentioned in the text.`}
{`The labels are intended to help reviewers put your manuscript together as intended. Provide a label that matches the corresponding file as mentioned in the text.`}
{`What if a grant or project that supported this manuscript is not in the list?`}
{`What if a grant or project that supported this manuscript is not in the list?`}
{`If a particular grant or project that you are expecting to see is not listed, please verify that the proper PI surname was entered. You must enter the surname first. In addition to the surname you may enter the initial of the PI's given name (e.g. 'Smith R', not 'Smith Robert').`}
{`If a particular grant or project that you are expecting to see is not listed, please verify that the proper PI name was entered. You should use an initial rather than the full first name, e.g. “R” instead of “Robert”.`}
{`If you can’t locate your grant and/or project in the list, click the link above to contact the Helpdesk for help locating your grant. Please provide the grant/contract number, project title, and contact PI's name.`}
<H3>How to select an embargo period</H3>
{`If you can’t locate your grant and/or project in the list, contact the Helpdesk to ask for help locating your grant. You'll be asked to provide the grant/contract number, project title, and contact PI's name.`}
{`The embargo period lets us know the delay from the time the manuscript is published in the journal until it can be published in Europe PMC. The embargo periods listed are those allowed by your funder. `}
<H3>Selecting an embargo period</H3>
{`The embargo period lets us know the delay from the time the manuscript is published in the journal until it can be published in Europe PMC. The embargo periods listed are those allowed by your funder. If there is a conflict between the embargo period required by your journal and those allowed by your funder, please contact the Helpdesk.`}
{`If you’re not sure which embargo period to choose, or if there is a conflict between the period required by your journal and those allowed by your funder, please contact the Helpdesk.`}
<H3>What is a reviewer?</H3>
<H2>Selecting a reviewer</H2>
<H3>What is the reviewer responsible for?</H3>
{`The reviewer will have final approval over the web version of this manuscript submission created for Europe PMC. Most commonly, you, the submitter, will also be the reviewer. If you are submitting this manuscript on behalf of someone else, please designate that person as the reviewer.`}
{`The designated reviewer must be one of the authors of the manuscript.`}
<H3>What if the correct person isn't listed?</H3>
{`The options provided for the reviewer include you and the PIs of your selected grants. If the reviewer should be someone other than you or one of your grant PIs, please select the last option, 'Other reviewer', and enter the person's name and email address in the fields provided.`}
{`The reviewer is responsible for approving the final web version of the manuscript which will be released to Europe PMC. The designated reviewer must be one of the authors of the manuscript.`}