<p>{`Europe PMC records will be matched with PubMed records. If your article already has a PubMed record, we will use this information so you do not have to input it manually.`}</p>
<H>What if I don’t find my citation in PubMed?</H>
<H>What if my citation is not found in PubMed?</H>
<p>{`If you do not find your citation in PubMed, use the “Click to enter citation manually” link to continue. You should provide the title and journal name, and if possible, the DOI.`}</p>
<H>What is a DOI?</H>
<p>{`A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a persistent identifier that stays the same, even if the web address of your article changes over time. It is a more stable method of finding your article. We need the part of the DOI that starts with ‘10…’`}</p>