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Only annotate

Martin Beracochea requested to merge only-annotate into master

Created by: hoelzer

I want to run the nextflow w/o the virus detection part. Let's say I have a FASTA with viruses sequences that I just want to annotate and not filter for putative virus signals.

This is now implemented in the nextflow via the flag


If the flag is set, the detection sub-workflow will be skipped. Renaming and Length filtering will be still applied.

I also added --viphog_version and --meta_version because Guillermo and I are currently testing the different model versions we have. With the flags, I can more easily switch between the different tables (this is more a development thing)

I thought you might be interested in the changes, so please have a look, and if you are fine please feel free to merge this into master.

Merge request reports