usebase('Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::PipeConfig::HiveGeneric_conf');# All Hive databases configuration files should inherit from HiveGeneric, directly or indirectly
sub default_options{
%{$self->SUPER::default_options()},# inherit other stuff from the base class
'pipeline_name'=>'split_fasta',# name used by the beekeeper to prefix job names on the farm
# runnable-specific parameters' defaults:
sub pipeline_create_commands{
@{$self->SUPER::pipeline_create_commands},# inheriting database and hive tables' creation
Description : Implements param_defaults() interface method of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process that defines module defaults for parameters.
sub param_defaults{
=head2 fetch_input
Description : Implements fetch_input() interface method of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process that is used to read in parameters and load data.
Here we only check the existence of 'inputfile' parameter and try to parse it (all other parameters have defaults).
sub fetch_input{
my$inputfile=$self->param('inputfile')||die"'inputfile' is an obligatory parameter";
my$input_seqio=Bio::SeqIO->new(-file=>'<'.$inputfile)||die"Could not open or parse '$inputfile', please investigate";
=head2 run
Description : Implements run() interface method of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process that is used to perform the main bulk of the job (minus input and output).
Because we want to stream the data more efficiently, all functionality is in write_output();
sub run{
=head2 write_output
Description : Implements write_output() interface method of Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::Process that is used to deal with job's output after the execution.
The main bulk of this Runnable's functionality is here.
Iterates through all sequences in input_seqio, splits them into separate files ("chunks") using a cut-off length and dataflows one job per chunk.