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Add some new features and fixes for the VCF backend code in the Variation API

Merged Marek Szuba requested to merge github/fork/willmclaren/variation into variation
3 files
+ 131
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@@ -64,8 +64,16 @@ sub read_metadata {
# Check the fileformat
if ($m_type eq 'fileformat') {
if ($m_data =~ /(\d+\.\d+)/) {
die "The VCF file format version $1 is not compatible with the parser version (VCF v$version)" if ($1 != $version);
if ($m_data =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/) {
my ($file_version_major, $file_version_minor) = ($1, $2);
my $f_version = $file_version_major.'.'.$file_version_minor;
# get version of this parser
$version =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
my ($parser_version_major, $parser_version_minor) = ($1, $2);
die "The VCF file format version $f_version is not compatible with the parser version (VCF v$version)" if ($file_version_major != $parser_version_major) || ($file_version_major == $parser_version_major && $parser_version_major < $file_version_major);
#warn "VCF file version $f_version may be incompatible with parser version $version" if ($file_version_major == $parser_version_major && $parser_version_minor != $file_version_minor);
else {
die "The script can't read the VCF file format version of '$m_type'";
@@ -78,11 +86,10 @@ sub read_metadata {
my %metadata;
# Fix when the character "," is found in the description field
if ($m_data =~ /(".+")/) {
my $desc_content = $1;
my $new_desc_content = $desc_content;
$new_desc_content =~ s/,/!#!/g;
$m_data =~ s/$desc_content/$new_desc_content/;
if($m_data =~ /(.?)(".+")(.?)/) {
my ($before, $content, $after) = ($1, $2, $3);
$content =~ s/,/!#!/g;
$m_data = ($before || '').$content.($after || '');
foreach my $meta (split(',',$m_data)) {
my ($key,$value) = split('=',$meta);
@@ -607,6 +614,41 @@ sub get_metadata_description {
# Individual information
=head2 get_individuals
Description: Returns list of individual names
Returntype : Listref of strings
sub get_individuals {
my $self = shift;
if(!exists($self->{individuals})) {
my $indices = $self->get_individual_column_indices;
@{$self->{individuals}} = sort {$indices->{$a} <=> $indices->{$b}} keys %$indices;
return $self->{individuals};
=head2 get_individual_column_indices
Description: Returns hashref of individual names with value
being the column index they appear in the file
Returntype : Hashref of { individual => index }
sub get_individual_column_indices {
my $self = shift;
if(!exists($self->{individual_column_indices})) {
my %indices =
map {$self->{metadata}{header}->[$_] => $_}
($self->{individual_begin}..(scalar(@{$self->{metadata}{header}}) - 1));
$self->{individual_column_indices} = \%indices;
return $self->{individual_column_indices};
=head2 get_raw_individuals_info
Description: Returns the list of individual name concatenated with the content of individual genotype data
e.g. 'NA10000:0|1:44:23'
@@ -615,13 +657,55 @@ sub get_metadata_description {
sub get_raw_individuals_info {
my $self = shift;
# Uses an array to keep the individuals order.
# Not sure if the order is really important. If not, an hash would be better to store the data.
my @ind_list;
for(my $i = $self->{'individual_begin'};$i < scalar(@{$self->{'metadata'}{'header'}});$i++) {
push(@ind_list, $self->{'metadata'}{'header'}->[$i].':'.$self->{'record'}[$i]);
return \@ind_list;
my $individual_ids = shift;
# restrict by individual list?
my $limit = $self->_get_individual_index_list($individual_ids);
# get a list of indices
# this is either a limited list based on the individuals provided
# or a list for all individuals in the file
my @index_list = scalar @$limit ? @$limit : ($self->{individual_begin}..(scalar(@{$self->{metadata}{header}}) - 1));
return [
map {$self->{metadata}{header}->[$_].':'.$self->{record}[$_]}
# this sub caches a list of individual column indices
# might be unnecessary, but every millisecond counts!
sub _get_individual_index_list {
my $self = shift;
my $individual_ids = shift;
if(!exists($self->{_individual_limit_list}->{$individual_ids})) {
# clear the cache
$self->{_individual_limit_list} = {};
my @limit = ();
# check we have a valid array
if(defined($individual_ids) && ref($individual_ids) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar @$individual_ids) {
my $all_ind_cols = $self->get_individual_column_indices();
# we have to check that each individual exists
# otherwise we'll get undefined warnings everywhere
foreach my $ind_id(@$individual_ids) {
next unless $all_ind_cols->{$ind_id};
push @limit, $all_ind_cols->{$ind_id};
# it won't be much use if none of the individual names you gave appear in the file
throw("ERROR: No valid individual IDs given") unless scalar @limit;
# key the hash on the reference of the list
$self->{_individual_limit_list}->{$individual_ids} = [sort {$a <=> $b} @limit];
return $self->{_individual_limit_list}->{$individual_ids};
=head2 get_individuals_info
@@ -632,13 +716,34 @@ sub get_raw_individuals_info {
sub get_individuals_info {
my $self = shift;
my $individual_ids = shift;
my $key = shift;
my %ind_info;
my $formats = $self->get_formats;
foreach my $ind (@{$self->get_raw_individuals_info}) {
# restrict by key, e.g. to only fetch GT
my $format_index;
if(defined($key)) {
my %tmp = map {$formats->[$_] => $_} (0..$#{$formats});
$format_index = $tmp{$key};
throw("ERROR: Key '$key' not found in format string ".join("|", @$formats)) unless defined($format_index);
foreach my $ind (@{$self->get_raw_individuals_info($individual_ids)}) {
my @ind_data = split(':',$ind);
my $ind_name = shift @ind_data;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ind_data); $i++) {
$ind_info{$ind_name}{$formats->[$i]} = $ind_data[$i];
# limit to one key
if(defined($format_index)) {
$ind_info{$ind_data[0]}{$key} = $ind_data[$format_index + 1];
# get all keys
else {
my $ind_name = shift @ind_data;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ind_data); $i++) {
$ind_info{$ind_name}{$formats->[$i]} = $ind_data[$i];
return \%ind_info;
@@ -652,15 +757,17 @@ sub get_individuals_info {
sub get_individuals_genotypes {
my $self = shift;
my $individual_ids = shift;
my %ind_gen;
my $ind_info = $self->get_individuals_info;
my $ind_info = $self->get_individuals_info($individual_ids, 'GT');
my @alleles = (($self->get_reference),@{$self->get_alternatives});
foreach my $ind (keys(%$ind_info)) {
my $al_separator = ($ind_info->{$ind}{'GT'} =~ /\|/) ? '\|' : '/';
my ($al1,$al2) = split($al_separator,$ind_info->{$ind}{'GT'});
my $phased = ($ind_info->{$ind}{'GT'} =~ /\|/ ? 1 : 0);
my ($al1,$al2) = split(($phased ? '\|' : '/'),$ind_info->{$ind}{'GT'});
my $allele1 = ($al1 eq '.') ? '' : $alleles[$al1];
my $allele2 = ($al2 eq '.') ? '' : $alleles[$al2];
$ind_gen{$ind} = "$allele1|$allele2";
$ind_gen{$ind} = join("", ($allele1, ($phased ? '|' : '/'), $allele2));
return \%ind_gen;