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Commit 29a95b3b authored by Magali Ruffier's avatar Magali Ruffier
Browse files

replaced 'NULL' string with \N where necessary

parent 922981cf
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 7542 additions and 7542 deletions
8405 2009-05-14 15:43:42 ensembl_havana_gene NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8406 2009-06-01 09:01:22 xrefexoneratedna NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8408 2007-09-07 12:01:22 est2genome_human_havana NULL 10-Nov-10 (105) NULL NULL NULL NULL ori_analysis => Est2genome_human_raw, mode => single ClusterDepthFilter NULL EST_Human similarity
8409 2007-09-07 12:01:22 vertrna_havana NULL 10-Nov-10 (105) NULL NULL NULL NULL ori_analysis => vertrna_raw, mode => single, no_filter => 9606 ClusterDepthFilter NULL vertebrate_mRNA similarity
8410 2010-09-30 09:17:16 human_cdna2genome NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL /nfs/users/nfs_j/jhv/bin/exonerate.hacked.cdna2genome NULL Exonerate2Genes NULL NULL NULL
8411 0000-00-00 00:00:00 human_cdna NULL NULL NULL exonerate 0.9.0 /usr/local/ensembl/bin/exonerate-0.9.0 NULL Exonerate2Genes NULL Exonerate similarity
8412 2007-09-07 12:01:22 uniprot_sw_havana NULL 2010_11 NULL NULL NULL NULL percentid_cutoff => 40, ori_analysis => Uniprot_raw, hit_db => Swissprot, mode => single DepthFilter NULL SwissProt NULL
8413 2009-03-11 17:25:55 human_protein NULL refseq_40,uniprot_2010_07 NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL BestTargetted NULL NULL NULL
8414 2007-09-07 12:01:22 uniprot_tr_havana NULL 2010_11 NULL NULL NULL NULL percentid_cutoff => 40, ori_analysis => Uniprot_raw, hit_db => TrEMBL, mode => single DepthFilter NULL TrEMBL NULL
8415 2009-06-01 09:01:22 xrefexonerateprotein NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8416 2012-09-03 17:48:15 xrefchecksum NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8417 2013-04-02 14:50:52 pfam Pfam NULL /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/Pfam-A.hmm /software/ensembl/bin/hmmer3/hmmscan NULL /software/ensembl/bin/hmmer3/hmmscan --acc --noali --cut_ga --cpu 1 ProteinAnnotation/Hmmpfam NULL Pfam domain
8418 2013-04-02 14:50:52 superfamily Superfamily NULL /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/ /software/ensembl/bin/ NULL /software/ensembl/bin/ -t /tmp -m /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/superfamily.hmm -d /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/ -a /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/superfamily.acc -p /software/ensembl/bin/hmmpfam -s /software/ensembl/bin/ 1e-05 -r y ProteinAnnotation/Superfamily NULL Superfamily domain
8419 2013-04-02 14:50:52 smart Smart NULL /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/smart.HMMs hmmpfam NULL hmmpfam -E 0.01 -A 100 -Z 350000 --acc --cpu 1 ProteinAnnotation/Hmmpfam NULL Smart domain
8420 2013-04-02 14:50:51 seg low_complexity NULL NULL seg NULL seg NULL ProteinAnnotation/Seg NULL Seg annotation
8421 2013-04-02 14:50:52 pirsf PIRSF NULL /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/pirsf.dat /software/ensembl/bin/ NULL /software/ensembl/bin/ -pirsf /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/pirsf.dat -sfhmm /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf_hmm.bin -subsf /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf_hmm_sub -sfseq /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf.seq -sftb /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf.tb -hmmer /software/ensembl/bin/hmmpfam -blast /software/ensembl/bin/blastall ProteinAnnotation/PIRSF NULL PIRSF domain
8422 2013-04-02 14:50:52 pfscan Prosite_profiles NULL /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/prosite.profiles pfscan NULL pfscan NULL ProteinAnnotation/PrositeProfile NULL Profile domain
8423 2013-04-02 14:50:52 signalp signal_peptide NULL NULL signalp NULL /software/worm/signalp/signalp NULL ProteinAnnotation/Signalp NULL Signalp annotation
8425 2009-05-14 15:43:42 ensembl_havana_transcript NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8426 2013-04-02 14:50:51 ensembl NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL GeneBuilder NULL NULL NULL
8427 2013-04-02 14:50:52 prints Prints NULL /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/prints.pval /software//ensembl/bin/FingerPRINTScan NULL /software/ensembl/bin/FingerPRINTScan -e 0.0001 -d 10 -E 257043 84355444 -fjR -a -o 15 ProteinAnnotation/Prints NULL Prints domain
8428 2007-09-07 12:01:22 est2genome_mouse_havana NULL 10-Nov-10 (105) NULL NULL NULL NULL ori_analysis => Est2genome_mouse_raw, mode => single ClusterDepthFilter NULL EST_Mouse similarity
8429 2013-04-02 14:50:52 ncoils coiled_coil NULL /usr/local/ensembl/data/coils ncoils NULL ncoils NULL ProteinAnnotation/Coil NULL ncoils annotation
8431 2009-05-20 12:21:05 rfamblast Rfam NULL /lustre/scratch1/ensembl/sw4/ncRNA/BLAST/high_copy.fasta wublastn NULL wublastn lowcopy => /lustre/scratch1/ensembl/sw4/ncRNA/BLAST/low_copy.fasta Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::BlastRfam NULL ensembl gene
8432 2009-03-27 11:33:33 human_est human_ests NULL /lustre/work1/ensembl/jb16/NCBI37/ests/est_chunks NULL NULL exonerate-0.9.0 NULL Exonerate2Genes NULL NULL NULL
8433 2012-03-02 14:01:07 proj_ncrna NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8434 2012-03-01 13:57:43 projected_transcript NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL ProjectedTranscriptEvidence NULL NULL NULL
8435 2012-03-02 14:01:07 proj_havana NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8436 2013-04-30 11:33:07 lrg_import NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8437 2011-02-15 17:06:42 firstef firstef NULL NULL firstef NULL NULL -repeatmasked FirstEF NULL firstef exon
8438 2011-02-15 17:06:42 eponine Eponine NULL NULL eponine-scan 1 /vol/software/linux-x86_64/jdk1.6.0_01/bin/java -epojar => /usr/local/ensembl/lib/eponine-scan.jar, -threshold => 0.999 EponineTSS NULL Eponine TSS
8439 2011-02-15 17:06:42 cpg cpg NULL NULL cpg NULL cpg NULL CPG NULL cpg cpg_island
8440 2011-02-15 17:06:42 genscan HumanIso.smat NULL HumanIso.smat genscan 1.0 genscan NULL Genscan NULL genscan prediction
8441 2013-07-25 14:40:18 shortnoncodingdensity NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8442 2013-07-25 14:40:18 codingdensity NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8443 2013-07-25 14:40:19 percentagerepeat NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8444 2013-07-25 14:43:46 percentgc NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8445 2013-07-25 14:43:46 pseudogenedensity NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8446 2013-07-25 14:43:46 longnoncodingdensity NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL
8447 2011-02-23 14:35:10 marker NULL NULL /lustre/scratch103/ensembl/amonida/builds/homo_sapiens/GRCh37_jan11_e62/marker_features/dumped_markers.out e-PCR 1.2.0 NULL -M=>150,-W=>7,-NMIN=>0, -NMAX=>2 EPCR NULL e-PCR sts
8448 2013-07-29 09:24:09 xrefcoordinatemapping NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL weights(coding,ensembl)=2.00,3.00;transcript_score_threshold=0.75 NULL NULL NULL
41 2009-03-12 16:36:37 fantom_gis_pet_raw NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL ExonerateTags NULL NULL NULL
42 2009-03-12 16:36:37 fantom_gsc_pet_raw NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL ExonerateTags NULL NULL NULL
2 2011-02-15 17:06:42 repeatmask repbase 3.2.5 repbase RepeatMasker 3.2.5 /nfs/ensembl/genebuild/human_repeatmasker/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker -nolow -species homo -s RepeatMasker NULL RepeatMasker repeat
6 2011-02-15 17:06:42 trf NULL NULL NULL trf NULL trf NULL TRF NULL trf tandem_repeat
7 2011-02-15 17:06:42 dust Dust NULL NULL dust 1 tcdust NULL Dust NULL NULL NULL
8405 2009-05-14 15:43:42 ensembl_havana_gene \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8406 2009-06-01 09:01:22 xrefexoneratedna \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8407 2009-05-14 15:43:42 havana \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8408 2007-09-07 12:01:22 est2genome_human_havana \N 10-Nov-10 (105) \N \N \N \N ori_analysis => Est2genome_human_raw, mode => single ClusterDepthFilter \N EST_Human similarity
8409 2007-09-07 12:01:22 vertrna_havana \N 10-Nov-10 (105) \N \N \N \N ori_analysis => vertrna_raw, mode => single, no_filter => 9606 ClusterDepthFilter \N vertebrate_mRNA similarity
8410 2010-09-30 09:17:16 human_cdna2genome \N \N \N \N \N /nfs/users/nfs_j/jhv/bin/exonerate.hacked.cdna2genome \N Exonerate2Genes \N \N \N
8411 0000-00-00 00:00:00 human_cdna \N \N \N exonerate 0.9.0 /usr/local/ensembl/bin/exonerate-0.9.0 \N Exonerate2Genes \N Exonerate similarity
8412 2007-09-07 12:01:22 uniprot_sw_havana \N 2010_11 \N \N \N \N percentid_cutoff => 40, ori_analysis => Uniprot_raw, hit_db => Swissprot, mode => single DepthFilter \N SwissProt \N
8413 2009-03-11 17:25:55 human_protein \N refseq_40,uniprot_2010_07 \N \N \N \N \N BestTargetted \N \N \N
8414 2007-09-07 12:01:22 uniprot_tr_havana \N 2010_11 \N \N \N \N percentid_cutoff => 40, ori_analysis => Uniprot_raw, hit_db => TrEMBL, mode => single DepthFilter \N TrEMBL \N
8415 2009-06-01 09:01:22 xrefexonerateprotein \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8416 2012-09-03 17:48:15 xrefchecksum \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8417 2013-04-02 14:50:52 pfam Pfam \N /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/Pfam-A.hmm /software/ensembl/bin/hmmer3/hmmscan \N /software/ensembl/bin/hmmer3/hmmscan --acc --noali --cut_ga --cpu 1 ProteinAnnotation/Hmmpfam \N Pfam domain
8418 2013-04-02 14:50:52 superfamily Superfamily \N /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/ /software/ensembl/bin/ \N /software/ensembl/bin/ -t /tmp -m /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/superfamily.hmm -d /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/ -a /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/superfamily.acc -p /software/ensembl/bin/hmmpfam -s /software/ensembl/bin/ 1e-05 -r y ProteinAnnotation/Superfamily \N Superfamily domain
8419 2013-04-02 14:50:52 smart Smart \N /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/smart.HMMs hmmpfam \N hmmpfam -E 0.01 -A 100 -Z 350000 --acc --cpu 1 ProteinAnnotation/Hmmpfam \N Smart domain
8420 2013-04-02 14:50:51 seg low_complexity \N \N seg \N seg \N ProteinAnnotation/Seg \N Seg annotation
8421 2013-04-02 14:50:52 pirsf PIRSF \N /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/pirsf.dat /software/ensembl/bin/ \N /software/ensembl/bin/ -pirsf /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/pirsf.dat -sfhmm /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf_hmm.bin -subsf /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf_hmm_sub -sfseq /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf.seq -sftb /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/sf.tb -hmmer /software/ensembl/bin/hmmpfam -blast /software/ensembl/bin/blastall ProteinAnnotation/PIRSF \N PIRSF domain
8422 2013-04-02 14:50:52 pfscan Prosite_profiles \N /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/prosite.profiles pfscan \N pfscan \N ProteinAnnotation/PrositeProfile \N Profile domain
8423 2013-04-02 14:50:52 signalp signal_peptide \N \N signalp \N /software/worm/signalp/signalp \N ProteinAnnotation/Signalp \N Signalp annotation
8424 2010-09-23 14:40:18 ccds \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8425 2009-05-14 15:43:42 ensembl_havana_transcript \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8426 2013-04-02 14:50:51 ensembl \N \N \N \N \N \N \N GeneBuilder \N \N \N
8427 2013-04-02 14:50:52 prints Prints \N /data/blastdb/Ensembl/interpro_scan/prints.pval /software//ensembl/bin/FingerPRINTScan \N /software/ensembl/bin/FingerPRINTScan -e 0.0001 -d 10 -E 257043 84355444 -fjR -a -o 15 ProteinAnnotation/Prints \N Prints domain
8428 2007-09-07 12:01:22 est2genome_mouse_havana \N 10-Nov-10 (105) \N \N \N \N ori_analysis => Est2genome_mouse_raw, mode => single ClusterDepthFilter \N EST_Mouse similarity
8429 2013-04-02 14:50:52 ncoils coiled_coil \N /usr/local/ensembl/data/coils ncoils \N ncoils \N ProteinAnnotation/Coil \N ncoils annotation
8430 2009-05-12 18:26:57 ncrna \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8431 2009-05-20 12:21:05 rfamblast Rfam \N /lustre/scratch1/ensembl/sw4/ncRNA/BLAST/high_copy.fasta wublastn \N wublastn lowcopy => /lustre/scratch1/ensembl/sw4/ncRNA/BLAST/low_copy.fasta Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::RunnableDB::BlastRfam \N ensembl gene
8432 2009-03-27 11:33:33 human_est human_ests \N /lustre/work1/ensembl/jb16/NCBI37/ests/est_chunks \N \N exonerate-0.9.0 \N Exonerate2Genes \N \N \N
8433 2012-03-02 14:01:07 proj_ncrna \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8434 2012-03-01 13:57:43 projected_transcript \N \N \N \N \N \N \N ProjectedTranscriptEvidence \N \N \N
8435 2012-03-02 14:01:07 proj_havana \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8436 2013-04-30 11:33:07 lrg_import \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8437 2011-02-15 17:06:42 firstef firstef \N \N firstef \N \N -repeatmasked FirstEF \N firstef exon
8438 2011-02-15 17:06:42 eponine Eponine \N \N eponine-scan 1 /vol/software/linux-x86_64/jdk1.6.0_01/bin/java -epojar => /usr/local/ensembl/lib/eponine-scan.jar, -threshold => 0.999 EponineTSS \N Eponine TSS
8439 2011-02-15 17:06:42 cpg cpg \N \N cpg \N cpg \N CPG \N cpg cpg_island
8440 2011-02-15 17:06:42 genscan HumanIso.smat \N HumanIso.smat genscan 1.0 genscan \N Genscan \N genscan prediction
8441 2013-07-25 14:40:18 shortnoncodingdensity \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8442 2013-07-25 14:40:18 codingdensity \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8443 2013-07-25 14:40:19 percentagerepeat \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8444 2013-07-25 14:43:46 percentgc \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8445 2013-07-25 14:43:46 pseudogenedensity \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8446 2013-07-25 14:43:46 longnoncodingdensity \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N \N
8447 2011-02-23 14:35:10 marker \N \N /lustre/scratch103/ensembl/amonida/builds/homo_sapiens/GRCh37_jan11_e62/marker_features/dumped_markers.out e-PCR 1.2.0 \N -M=>150,-W=>7,-NMIN=>0, -NMAX=>2 EPCR \N e-PCR sts
8448 2013-07-29 09:24:09 xrefcoordinatemapping \N \N \N \N \N weights(coding,ensembl)=2.00,3.00;transcript_score_threshold=0.75 \N \N \N
41 2009-03-12 16:36:37 fantom_gis_pet_raw \N \N \N \N \N \N \N ExonerateTags \N \N \N
42 2009-03-12 16:36:37 fantom_gsc_pet_raw \N \N \N \N \N \N \N ExonerateTags \N \N \N
2 2011-02-15 17:06:42 repeatmask repbase 3.2.5 repbase RepeatMasker 3.2.5 /nfs/ensembl/genebuild/human_repeatmasker/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker -nolow -species homo -s RepeatMasker \N RepeatMasker repeat
6 2011-02-15 17:06:42 trf \N \N \N trf \N trf \N TRF \N trf tandem_repeat
7 2011-02-15 17:06:42 dust Dust \N \N dust 1 tcdust \N Dust \N \N \N
1 embl_acc European Nucleotide Archive (was EMBL) accession NULL
2 status Status NULL
3 synonym Synonym NULL
1 embl_acc European Nucleotide Archive (was EMBL) accession \N
2 status Status \N
3 synonym Synonym \N
4 name Name Alternative/long name
5 type Type of feature NULL
5 type Type of feature \N
6 toplevel Top Level Top Level Non-Redundant Sequence Region
7 GeneCount Gene Count Total Number of Genes
8 KnownGeneCount Known Gene Count Total Number of Known Genes
9 PseudoGeneCount PseudoGene Count Total Number of PseudoGenes
10 SNPCount SNP Count Total Number of SNPs
11 codon_table Codon Table Alternate codon table
12 _selenocysteine Selenocysteine NULL
13 bacend bacend NULL
12 _selenocysteine Selenocysteine \N
13 bacend bacend \N
14 htg htg High Throughput phase attribute
15 miRNA Micro RNA Coordinates of the mature miRNA
16 non_ref Non Reference Non Reference Sequence Region
17 sanger_project Sanger Project name NULL
18 clone_name Clone name NULL
19 fish FISH location NULL
21 org Sequencing centre NULL
22 method Method NULL
23 superctg Super contig id NULL
24 inner_start Max start value NULL
25 inner_end Min end value NULL
26 state Current state of clone NULL
27 organisation Organisation sequencing clone NULL
28 seq_len Accession length NULL
29 fp_size FP size NULL
30 BACend_flag BAC end flags NULL
31 fpc_clone_id fpc clone NULL
17 sanger_project Sanger Project name \N
18 clone_name Clone name \N
19 fish FISH location \N
21 org Sequencing centre \N
22 method Method \N
23 superctg Super contig id \N
24 inner_start Max start value \N
25 inner_end Min end value \N
26 state Current state of clone \N
27 organisation Organisation sequencing clone \N
28 seq_len Accession length \N
29 fp_size FP size \N
30 BACend_flag BAC end flags \N
31 fpc_clone_id fpc clone \N
32 KnwnPCCount protein_coding_KNOWN Number of Known Protein Coding
33 NovPCCount protein_coding_NOVEL Number of Novel Protein Coding
34 NovPTCount processed_transcript_NOVEL Number of Novel Processed Transcripts
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
60 PTCount processed_transcript Number of Processed Transcripts
61 PredPTCount processed_transcript_PREDICTED Number of Predicted Processed Transcripts
62 ncRNA Structure RNA secondary structure line
63 skip_clone skip clone Skip clone in NULL
63 skip_clone skip clone Skip clone in \N
64 coding_cnt Protein coding gene count Number of protein coding Genes
65 GeneNo_novCod novel protein_coding Gene Count Number of novel protein_coding Genes
66 GeneNo_rRNA rRNA Gene Count Number of rRNA Genes
......@@ -74,23 +74,23 @@
77 GeneNo_rettran retrotransposed Gene Count Number of retrotransposed Genes
78 GeneNo_snlRNA snlRNA Gene Count Number of snlRNA Genes
79 GeneNo_proc_tr processed_transcript Gene Count Number of processed transcript Genes
80 supercontig SuperContig name NULL
81 well_name Well plate name NULL
82 bacterial Bacterial NULL
83 NovelCDSCount Novel CDS Count NULL
84 NovelTransCount Novel Transcript Count NULL
85 PutTransCount Putative Transcript Count NULL
86 PredTransCount Predicted Transcript Count NULL
87 UnclassPsCount Unclass Ps count NULL
88 KnwnprogCount Known prog Count NULL
89 NovCDSprogCount Novel CDS prog count NULL
90 bacend_well_nam BACend well name NULL
91 alt_well_name Alt well name NULL
92 TranscriptEdge Transcript Edge NULL
93 alt_embl_acc Alt European Nucleotide Archive (was EMBL) acc NULL
94 alt_org Alt org NULL
95 intl_clone_name International Clone Name NULL
96 embl_version European Nucleotide Archive (was EMBL) Version NULL
80 supercontig SuperContig name \N
81 well_name Well plate name \N
82 bacterial Bacterial \N
83 NovelCDSCount Novel CDS Count \N
84 NovelTransCount Novel Transcript Count \N
85 PutTransCount Putative Transcript Count \N
86 PredTransCount Predicted Transcript Count \N
87 UnclassPsCount Unclass Ps count \N
88 KnwnprogCount Known prog Count \N
89 NovCDSprogCount Novel CDS prog count \N
90 bacend_well_nam BACend well name \N
91 alt_well_name Alt well name \N
92 TranscriptEdge Transcript Edge \N
93 alt_embl_acc Alt European Nucleotide Archive (was EMBL) acc \N
94 alt_org Alt org \N
95 intl_clone_name International Clone Name \N
96 embl_version European Nucleotide Archive (was EMBL) Version \N
97 chr Chromosome Name Chromosome Name Contained in the Assembly
98 equiv_asm Equivalent EnsEMBL assembly For full chromosomes made from NCBI AGPs
99 GeneNo_ncRNA ncRNA Gene Count Number of ncRNA Genes
......@@ -98,24 +98,24 @@
109 HitSimilarity hit similarity percentage id to parent transcripts
110 HitCoverage hit coverage coverage of parent transcripts
111 PropNonGap proportion non gap proportion non gap
112 NumStops number of stops NULL
112 NumStops number of stops \N
113 GapExons gap exons number of gap exons
114 SourceTran source transcript source transcript
115 EndNotFound end not found end not found
116 StartNotFound start not found start not found
117 Frameshift Fra Frameshift modelled as intron NULL
117 Frameshift Fra Frameshift modelled as intron \N
118 ensembl_name Ensembl name Name of equivalent Ensembl chromosome
119 NoAnnotation NoAnnotation Clones without manual annotation
120 hap_contig Haplotype contig Contig present on a haplotype
121 annotated Clone Annotation Status NULL
122 keyword Clone Keyword NULL
123 hidden_remark Hidden Remark NULL
124 mRNA_start_NF mRNA start not found NULL
125 mRNA_end_NF mRNA end not found NULL
126 cds_start_NF CDS start not found NULL
127 cds_end_NF CDS end not found NULL
121 annotated Clone Annotation Status \N
122 keyword Clone Keyword \N
123 hidden_remark Hidden Remark \N
124 mRNA_start_NF mRNA start not found \N
125 mRNA_end_NF mRNA end not found \N
126 cds_start_NF CDS start not found \N
127 cds_end_NF CDS end not found \N
128 write_access Write access for Sequence Set 1 for writable , 0 for read-only
129 hidden Hidden Sequence Set NULL
129 hidden Hidden Sequence Set \N
130 vega_name Vega name Vega
131 vega_export_mod Export mode E (External), I (Internal) etc
132 vega_release Vega release Vega release number
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
167 NumResidues Number of residues Pepstats attributes
168 AvgResWeight Ave. residue weight Pepstats attributes
170 initial_met Initial methionine Set first amino acid to methionine
171 NonGapHCov NonGapHCov NULL
171 NonGapHCov NonGapHCov \N
172 otter_support otter support Evidence ID that was used as supporting feature for building a gene in Vega
173 enst_link enst link Code to link a OTTT with an ENST when they both share the CDS of ENST
174 upstream_ATG upstream ATG Alternative ATG found upstream of the defined as start ATG for the transcript
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
363 filtered-set Filtered Gene Set v1 Working genes that are screened for TE content and orthology with sorghum and rice.
364 super-set Super Working Gene Set Set of all working gene set loci from both Builds 4a and 5a
365 projected4a2 Projected by alignment Temporary (Monday, August 23, 2010)
366 merged Merged species NULL
366 merged Merged species \N
367 karyotype_rank Rank in the karyotype For a given seq_region, if it is part of the species karyotype, will indicate its rank
368 noncoding_acnt Alternate non coding gene count Number of non coding genes on alternate sequences
369 coding_acnt Alternate protein coding gene count Number of protein coding genes on alternate sequences
1 1 contig NULL 4 default_version,sequence_level
1 1 contig \N 4 default_version,sequence_level
2 1 chromosome GRCh37 1 default_version
3 1 supercontig GRCh37 2 default_version
4 1 clone NULL 3 default_version
4 1 clone \N 3 default_version
27 1 chromosome NCBI36 5
101 1 chromosome NCBI35 6
1001 1 chromosome NCBI34 7
1003 1 lrg NULL 8 default_version
1003 1 lrg \N 8 default_version
source diff could not be displayed: it is too large. Options to address this: view the blob.
......@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
633683 protein_coding 8405 27515 112391980 112408732 -1 5907231 ensembl KNOWN tubulin, epsilon 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:20775] 1 2047715 ENSG00000074935 9 2008-04-29 11:17:41 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633684 protein_coding 8405 27515 112408802 112423993 1 5942161 ensembl KNOWN family with sequence similarity 229, member B [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:33858] 1 2047726 ENSG00000203778 3 2006-03-10 00:00:00 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633685 protein_coding 8405 27515 112429963 112576141 -1 5864924 ensembl KNOWN laminin, alpha 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:6484] 1 2047728 ENSG00000112769 14 2008-04-29 11:17:41 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633686 antisense 8407 27515 112475967 112487670 1 7795419 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047751 ENSG00000237234 2 2009-05-19 09:47:17 2012-08-20 17:58:42
633686 antisense 8407 27515 112475967 112487670 1 7795419 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047751 ENSG00000237234 2 2009-05-19 09:47:17 2012-08-20 17:58:42
633687 snRNA 8430 27515 112517642 112517748 -1 7778625 ensembl NOVEL U6 spliceosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00026] 1 2047753 ENSG00000270191 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633688 lincRNA 8407 27515 112538841 112540771 -1 7795445 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047754 ENSG00000270188 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633689 lincRNA 8407 27515 112555366 112555959 -1 7795444 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047755 ENSG00000270186 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633690 antisense 8407 27515 112557460 112671296 1 7795446 havana KNOWN NULL 1 2047765 ENSG00000270189 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633691 pseudogene 8407 27516 170410 172712 1 7795417 havana KNOWN NULL 1 2047766 ENSG00000228572 1 2009-05-19 09:47:17 2009-05-19 09:47:17
633688 lincRNA 8407 27515 112538841 112540771 -1 7795445 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047754 ENSG00000270188 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633689 lincRNA 8407 27515 112555366 112555959 -1 7795444 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047755 ENSG00000270186 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633690 antisense 8407 27515 112557460 112671296 1 7795446 havana KNOWN \N 1 2047765 ENSG00000270189 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633691 pseudogene 8407 27516 170410 172712 1 7795417 havana KNOWN \N 1 2047766 ENSG00000228572 1 2009-05-19 09:47:17 2009-05-19 09:47:17
633692 protein_coding 8405 27516 192989 220023 1 5911520 ensembl KNOWN phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain containing 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:23148] 1 2047771 ENSG00000182378 8 2008-04-29 11:17:41 2011-02-14 13:38:37
633693 protein_coding 8405 27516 220025 230886 -1 5933304 ensembl KNOWN GTP binding protein 6 (putative) [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:30189] 1 2047780 ENSG00000178605 8 2008-04-29 11:17:41 2013-02-12 17:21:38
633694 antisense 8407 27516 281725 282586 1 5925446 havana KNOWN long intergenic non-protein coding RNA 685 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:27560] 1 2047781 ENSG00000226179 1 2009-05-19 09:47:17 2009-05-19 09:47:17
......@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
633697 protein_coding 8407 1000759268 112391980 112408732 -1 5907231 havana KNOWN tubulin, epsilon 1 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:20775] 1 2047799 ENSG00000264528 2 2012-06-07 23:07:01 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633698 protein_coding 8407 1000759268 112408802 112423993 1 0 havana KNOWN family with sequence similarity 229, member B [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:33858] 1 2047810 ENSG00000264440 2 2012-06-07 23:07:01 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633699 protein_coding 8407 1000759268 112430063 112576141 -1 0 havana KNOWN laminin, alpha 4 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:6484] 1 2047814 ENSG00000263699 2 2012-06-07 23:07:01 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633700 antisense 8407 1000759268 112475967 112487670 1 7795419 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047835 ENSG00000266823 2 2012-06-07 23:07:01 2012-08-20 17:58:42
633700 antisense 8407 1000759268 112475967 112487670 1 7795419 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047835 ENSG00000266823 2 2012-06-07 23:07:01 2012-08-20 17:58:42
633701 snRNA 8433 1000759268 112517642 112517748 -1 0 ensembl NOVEL U6 spliceosomal RNA [Source:RFAM;Acc:RF00026] 1 2047837 ENSG00000266735 1 2012-06-07 23:07:01 2012-06-07 23:07:01
633702 lincRNA 8407 1000759268 112538842 112540772 -1 7795445 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047838 ENSG00000270187 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633703 lincRNA 8407 1000759268 112555367 112555960 -1 7795444 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047839 ENSG00000270185 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633704 antisense 8435 1000759268 112557461 112671296 1 7795446 havana NOVEL NULL 1 2047849 ENSG00000270190 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633702 lincRNA 8407 1000759268 112538842 112540772 -1 7795445 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047838 ENSG00000270187 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633703 lincRNA 8407 1000759268 112555367 112555960 -1 7795444 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047839 ENSG00000270185 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633704 antisense 8435 1000759268 112557461 112671296 1 7795446 havana NOVEL \N 1 2047849 ENSG00000270190 1 2013-07-26 06:38:34 2013-07-26 06:38:34
633705 LRG_gene 8436 1001161223 5001 31740 1 5851457 LRG database KNOWN cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:1787] 1 2047851 LRG_11 1 2013-02-14 10:17:07 2013-02-14 10:17:07
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ENSG00000270172 1 ENST00000602943 1 \N 0 \N 393
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ENSG00000207044 1 ENST00000384317 1 \N 0 \N 393
ENSG00000206848 1 ENST00000384121 1 \N 0 \N 393
ENSG00000270177 1 ENST00000602919 1 \N 0 \N 393
ENSG00000270154 1 ENST00000602979 1 \N 0 \N 393
ENSG00000270178 1 ENST00000602704 1 \N 0 \N 393
ENSG00000270155 1 ENST00000602639 1 \N 0 \N 393
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17340649 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 NULL
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17340592 100 32 1 107 1 107 107M 596 NULL
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17340364 100 26 1 88 1 88 88M 481 NULL
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16863810 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 NULL
16863828 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 NULL
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16863843 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 NULL
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16784849 94 99 129 2671 1 2543 2543M 12706 NULL
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17341486 100 34 1 60 1 60 60M 338 NULL
17341493 100 68 1 60 1 60 60M 338 NULL
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17342335 100 34 1 130 243 372 130M 722 \N
17342321 100 36 1 130 225 354 130M 722 \N
17342307 100 36 1 130 225 354 130M 722 \N
17342293 100 36 1 130 225 354 130M 722 \N
17342135 100 100 1 331 1 331 331M 1876 \N
17341258 100 100 1 287 1 287 287M 1441 \N
17342113 100 100 1 331 1 331 331M 1876 \N
17340768 100 75 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340776 100 62 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340784 100 92 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340792 100 100 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340992 100 100 1 237 1 237 237M 1337 \N
17341004 100 100 1 237 1 237 237M 1337 \N
17340760 100 24 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340752 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340744 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340736 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340728 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340713 100 100 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340705 100 92 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340697 100 62 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340689 100 75 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340681 100 24 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340673 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340665 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340657 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340649 100 4 1 81 1 81 81M 435 \N
17340648 100 100 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340640 100 32 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340632 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340624 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340616 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340608 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340600 100 100 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340584 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340592 100 32 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340206 100 100 1 174 1 174 174M 925 \N
17340216 100 53 1 174 1 174 174M 925 \N
17340196 100 53 1 174 1 174 174M 925 \N
17343901 100 60 1 174 114 287 174M 873 \N
17343621 100 100 1 129 1 129 129M 695 \N
17343606 100 100 1 129 1 129 129M 695 \N
17342403 100 39 1 130 202 331 130M 722 \N
17340576 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340568 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340552 100 100 1 331 1 331 331M 1872 \N
17340560 100 5 1 107 1 107 107M 596 \N
17340544 100 18 1 331 1 331 331M 1872 \N
17340529 100 100 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340514 100 68 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340499 100 82 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340484 100 26 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340469 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340454 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340439 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340424 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340409 100 100 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340394 100 68 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340379 100 82 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340364 100 26 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340349 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17120321 80 100 138 782 1 645 645M 3225 \N
17120331 80 100 138 782 1 645 645M 3225 \N
16862809 100 100 1 575 1 575 575M 3074 \N
16862888 100 100 1 323 1 323 323M 1740 \N
16862920 100 100 1 475 1 475 475M 2465 \N
16863227 100 100 1 80 1 80 80M 429 \N
16863798 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863810 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863828 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863833 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863838 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863843 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863848 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16863853 100 100 1 120 1 120 120M 648 \N
16864058 100 100 1 354 1 354 354M 1998 \N
16743869 99 99 1 3609 1 3610 331M1D3278M 18024 \N
17375209 99 99 1 3609 1 3610 331M1D3278M 18024 \N
16747413 99 99 1 5814 1 5802 623M1D197M11I2130M1I211M1I2640M 28575 \N
17340334 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340319 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340304 100 4 1 88 1 88 88M 481 \N
17340189 100 100 1 169 1 169 169M 894 \N
17375202 99 99 1 1932 1 1931 1258M1I673M 9625 \N
16858258 99 99 1 1932 1 1931 1258M1I673M 9625 \N
17375203 99 99 1 594 1 594 594M 2952 \N
16837966 99 99 1 594 1 594 594M 2952 \N
17375218 99 100 2 491 491 0 490M 2450 \N
16826462 99 100 2 491 491 0 490M 2450 \N
16812652 88 99 1 6547 1 6547 6547M 32717 \N
16787186 91 15 1 418 642 234 305M1I13M1I28M1I5M1I6M1I7M1I25M3I2M1I3M1I13M 1838 \N
16768235 99 96 1 5305 203 5507 5305M 26525 \N
16775714 99 93 1 1321 97 1417 1321M 6605 \N
17375217 99 93 1 1321 97 1417 1321M 6605 \N
16784848 94 99 129 2671 1 2543 2543M 12706 \N
16784849 94 99 129 2671 1 2543 2543M 12706 \N
16787184 91 15 1 418 642 234 305M1I13M1I28M1I5M1I6M1I7M1I25M3I2M1I3M1I13M 1838 \N
17342389 100 36 1 130 225 354 130M 722 \N
17342375 100 34 1 130 243 372 130M 722 \N
17340226 100 53 1 174 1 174 174M 925 \N
17340236 100 97 1 174 1 174 174M 925 \N
17340246 100 100 1 174 1 174 174M 925 \N
17341016 100 100 1 219 1 219 219M 1233 \N
17341034 100 92 1 219 19 237 219M 1233 \N
17341048 100 100 1 219 1 219 219M 1233 \N
17341066 100 92 1 219 19 237 219M 1233 \N
17341479 100 18 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341486 100 34 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341493 100 68 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341503 100 18 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341510 100 100 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341520 100 18 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341527 100 81 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341537 100 33 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341544 100 34 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17341551 100 48 1 60 1 60 60M 338 \N
17348664 55 100 230 516 1 287 287M 1441 \N
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12401857 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745544 6 6 1 2047820 Transcript \N
12401858 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745545 6 5 0 2047767 Transcript \N
12401859 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745545 6 5 0 2047771 Transcript \N
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12401868 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745553 6 13 0 2047771 Transcript \N
12401869 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745554 6 19 0 2047767 Transcript \N
12401870 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745554 6 19 0 2047771 Transcript \N
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12401884 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745567 6 7 1 2047771 Transcript \N
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12401892 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745574 6 7 0 2047771 Transcript \N
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12401895 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745576 6 18 1 2047771 Transcript \N
12401896 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745577 6 27 4 2047784 Transcript \N
12401900 xref 8406 4100 Hs.745581 6 3 0 2047784 Transcript \N
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