my$sql='select tsi.stable_id, x.display_label, t.status from analysis a, xref x, object_xref ox , transcript_stable_id tsi, external_db e, transcript t where t.analysis_id = a.analysis_id and a.logic_name like "%havana%" and e.external_db_id = x.external_db_id and x.xref_id = ox.xref_id and tsi.transcript_id = ox.ensembl_id and t.transcript_id = tsi.transcript_id and e.db_name like ?';
my$sql_vega='select tsi.stable_id, x.display_label, t.status from xref x, object_xref ox , transcript_stable_id tsi, external_db e, transcript t where e.external_db_id = x.external_db_id and x.xref_id = ox.xref_id and tsi.transcript_id = ox.ensembl_id and t.transcript_id = tsi.transcript_id and e.db_name like ?';
my$sql_vega='select tsi.stable_id, x.display_label, t.status from xref x, object_xref ox , transcript_stable_id tsi, external_db e, transcript t where e.external_db_id = x.external_db_id and x.xref_id = ox.xref_id and tsi.transcript_id = ox.ensembl_id and t.transcript_id = tsi.transcript_id and tsi.stable_id <> x.display_label and e.db_name like ?';