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Commit c91cd6c9 authored by Andy Yates's avatar Andy Yates
Browse files

Can now compare transcripts and fixed some errors in the mapping code

parent 31e0fb39
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......@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ perl <many arguments>
Optional options
--logfile, --log=FILE log to FILE (default: *STDOUT)
--logpath=PATH write logfile to PATH (default: .)
--check_exons Test exons for their robustness
between assembly mappings
--check_transcripts Expand the test to check if we still
get full length transcript encoding
use strict;
......@@ -30,106 +36,233 @@ use warnings;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin";
use AssemblyMapper::Support;
#Bring in pipeline as well for their helpers
use lib "$Bin/../../../ensembl-pipeline/scripts/Finished/assembly";
use lib "$Bin/../../../ensembl-analysis/modules";
#runtime include normally
require AssemblyMapper::Support;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw( throw );
use Pod::Usage;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::OntologyDBAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper;
#Genebuilder utils
require Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::TranscriptUtils;
require Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::GeneBuildUtils::ExonUtils;
my $support = AssemblyMapper::Support->new(
extra_options => [
unless ($support->parse_arguments(@_)) {
warn $support->error if $support->error;
warn $support->error if $support->error;
my $onto_db_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::OntologyDBAdaptor->new(
-DBNAME => $support->ref_dba->dbc->dbname,
-DBCONN => $support->ref_dba->dbc,
my $onto_db_adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::OntologyDBAdaptor->new(
-DBNAME => $support->ref_dba->dbc->dbname,
-DBCONN => $support->ref_dba->dbc,
my $biotype_mapper = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::BiotypeMapper($onto_db_adaptor);
$support->log_stamped("Beginning analysis.\n");
$support->log("!! = Very bad, %% = Somewhat bad, ?? = No mapping, might be bad\n");
my $ok = $support->iterate_chromosomes(
prev_stage => '40-fix_overlaps',
this_stage => '41-exon-conservation',
worker => \&compare_exons,
$support->log("EXON KEY : !! = Very bad (pc mismatch), %% = Somewhat bad (mismatch), ?? = No mapping, might be bad\n");
$support->log("TRANSCRIPT KEY : @@ = Very bad (pc translation mismatch), = Very bad (pc transcript mismatch), ** = Somewhat bad (mismatch), XX = No mapping, might be bad\n");
prev_stage => '40-fix_overlaps',
this_stage => '41-conservation',
worker => \&compare,
sub compare {
my ($asp) = @_;
if ($support->param('check_exons')) {
if ($support->param('check_transcripts')) {
sub compare_exons {
my ($asp) = @_;
my $R_chr = $asp->ref_chr;
my $A_chr = $asp->alt_chr;
my ($asp) = @_;
my $R_chr = $asp->ref_chr;
my $A_chr = $asp->alt_chr;
my $R_slice = $asp->ref_slice;
my $A_slice = $asp->alt_slice;
my $new_slice_adaptor = $R_slice->adaptor();
my $old_exons = $A_slice->get_all_Exons;
while (my $old_exon = shift @$old_exons) {
# Establish equivalent locations on old and new DBs
my $new_A_slice = new_Slice($old_exon, $new_slice_adaptor);
# make a shadow exon for the new database
my $shadow_exon = clone_Exon($old_exon);
# project new exon to new assembly
my $projected_exon = $shadow_exon->transform($R_slice->coord_system->name, $R_slice->coord_system->version, $R_slice);
# Note that Anacode database naming patterns interfere with normal Registry adaptor fetching,
# hence we must go around the houses somewhat when looking for the appropriate source gene.
#warn "!! fetching gene adaptor ".$old_exon->adaptor->species.":".$old_exon->adaptor->dbc->dbname."Gene";
my $old_gene_adaptor = $old_exon->adaptor->db->get_GeneAdaptor();
my $gene_list = $old_gene_adaptor->fetch_nearest_Gene_by_Feature($old_exon, undef, undef);
if (scalar(@$gene_list) > 1) { warn "Encountered many possible genes for the exon." }
my $parent_gene = $gene_list->[0];
my $state;
my $location;
my $difference;
my $total_length;
# compare sequences if a projection exists
if ($projected_exon) {
my $old_seq = $old_exon->seq()->seq();
my $projected_seq = $projected_exon->seq()->seq();
$total_length = length($old_seq);
if ($projected_seq ne $old_seq) {
# Now we have a problem - the feature's sequence was not conserved between assemblies.
# Determine severity of the problem
$difference = diff(\$old_seq, \$projected_seq);
my $group_list = $biotype_mapper->belongs_to_groups($parent_gene->biotype);
foreach my $group (@$group_list) {
if ($group eq 'protein_coding') {
$state = '!!';
if (!$state) {
# Middle badness.
$state = '%%';
$location = sprintf('%d : %d', $projected_exon->start(), $projected_exon->end());
my $R_slice = $asp->ref_slice;
my $A_slice = $asp->alt_slice;
if (!$projected_exon) {
$state = '??';
$location = 'None';
$total_length = 0;
$difference = 0;
my $old_exons = $A_slice->get_all_Exons;
while (my $old_exon = shift @$old_exons) {
# Establish equivalent locations on old and new DBs
my $coord_system = $old_exon->slice->coord_system;
my $new_slice = $R_slice->adaptor->fetch_by_region(
# make a shadow exon for the new database
my $shadow_exon = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature (
-start => $old_exon->seq_region_start,
-end => $old_exon->seq_region_end,
-strand => $old_exon->strand,
-slice => $new_slice,
# project new exon to new assembly
my $projected_exon = $shadow_exon->transform($A_slice->coord_system->name,$A_slice->coord_system->version,$R_slice);
# Note that Anacode database naming patterns interfere with normal Registry adaptor fetching,
# hence we must go around the houses somewhat when looking for the appropriate source gene.
#warn "!! fetching gene adaptor ".$old_exon->adaptor->species.":".$old_exon->adaptor->dbc->dbname."Gene";
my $old_gene_adaptor = $old_exon->adaptor->db->get_GeneAdaptor();
my $gene_list = $old_gene_adaptor->fetch_nearest_Gene_by_Feature($old_exon, undef, undef);
if (scalar(@$gene_list) >1) {warn "Encountered many possible genes for the exon."}
my $parent_gene = $gene_list->[0];
# compare sequences if a projection exists
if ($projected_exon && $projected_exon->seq ne $old_exon->seq) {
# Now we have a problem - the feature's sequence was not conserved between assemblies.
# Determine severity of the problem
my $group_list = $biotype_mapper->belongs_to_groups($parent_gene->biotype);
my $warned = 0;
foreach my $group (@$group_list) {
if ($group eq 'protein_coding') {
# Maximum badness.
$support->log("!! ".$parent_gene->stable_id." - ".$old_exon->stable_id.
" projected - ".$projected_exon->start.":".$projected_exon->end."\n"
$warned = 1;
unless ($warned) {
# Middle badness.
$support->log("%% ".$parent_gene->stable_id." - ".$old_exon->stable_id."\n");
if($state) {
$support->log(sprintf('%s | ID : %s | Gene ID: %s | Location : %s | Differences : %d | Length : %d', $state, $old_exon->stable_id(), $parent_gene->stable_id(), $location, $difference, $total_length) . "\n");
sub compare_transcripts {
my ($asp) = @_;
my $R_slice = $asp->ref_slice;
my $A_slice = $asp->alt_slice;
my $new_slice_adaptor = $R_slice->adaptor();
my $old_transcripts = $A_slice->get_all_Transcripts();
while (my $old_transcript = shift @$old_transcripts) {
my $new_A_slice = new_Slice($old_transcript, $new_slice_adaptor);
my $shadow_transcript = clone_Transcript($old_transcript);
foreach my $e (@{$shadow_transcript->get_all_Exons()}) {
foreach my $se (@{$shadow_transcript->get_all_supporting_features()}) {
my $projected_transcript = $shadow_transcript->transform($R_slice->coord_system->name, $R_slice->coord_system->version, $R_slice);
my $state;
my $location;
my $total_length;
my $difference;
if ($projected_transcript) {
#Check if it was protein coding
my $group_list = $biotype_mapper->belongs_to_groups($projected_transcript->biotype);
my $is_pc = 0;
foreach my $group (@$group_list) {
if ($group eq 'protein_coding') {
$is_pc = 1;
if (! $projected_exon) {
# No projection possibly bad news
$support->log("?? ".$parent_gene->stable_id." - ".$old_exon->stable_id."\n");
#Now check for protein sequence mis-match
if ($is_pc) {
my $old_seq = $old_transcript->translate()->seq();
my $new_seq = $projected_transcript->translate()->seq();
$total_length = length($old_seq);
if ($old_seq ne $new_seq) {
$state = '@@';
$difference = diff(\$old_seq, \$new_seq);
if (!$state) {
my $old_seq = $old_transcript->spliced_seq();
my $new_seq = $projected_transcript->spliced_seq();
$total_length = length($old_seq);
if ($old_seq ne $new_seq) {
$state = ($is_pc) ? '' : '**';
$difference = diff(\$old_seq, \$new_seq);
$location = sprintf('%d : %d', $projected_transcript->start(), $projected_transcript->end());
else {
$state = '**';
$location = 'None';
$total_length = 0;
$difference = 0;
if ($state) {
$support->log(sprintf('%s | ID : %s | Location : %s | Differences : %d | Length : %d', $state, $old_transcript->stable_id(), $location, $difference, $total_length) . "\n");
sub new_Slice {
my ($feature, $new_slice_adaptor) = @_;
my $old_slice = $feature->slice();
my $coord_system = $old_slice->coord_system;
my $new_slice = $new_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region($coord_system->name, $old_slice->seq_region_name, $old_slice->start, $old_slice->end, $old_slice->strand, $coord_system->version);
return $new_slice;
#Count number of diffs between strings
sub diff {
my ($s1, $s2) = @_;
my $diff = ${$s1} ^ ${$s2};
my $total = 0;
$total += ($+[1] - $-[1]) while $diff =~ m{ ([^\x00]+) }xmsg;
return $total;
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