1 Unigene Transcripts (Unigene) Positions of <a rel="external" href="http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/UniGene/">UniGene</a> sequences along the genome. These are determined using TBLASTN of Genscan predictions against UniGene sequences.
1 Uniprot Proteins (UniProtKB) Proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1 Uniprot_mammal Proteins (UniProt mammal) Mammalian proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted mammalian peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1Uniprot_vertebrate_mammalProteins (UniProt mammal)Mammalian proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted mammalian peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1Uniprot_vertebrate_mammalProteins (UniProt mammal)Mammalian proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted mammalian peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1 Uniprot_non_mammal Proteins (UniProt non-mammal) Non-mammal proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted (non-mammalian) peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1Uniprot_vertebrate_non_mammalProteins (UniProt non-mammal)Non-mammal proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted (non-mammalian) peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1Uniprot_vertebrate_non_mammalProteins (UniProt non-mammal)Non-mammal proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB</a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted (non-mammalian) peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1 Uniprot_wublastx Proteins (UniProtKB) Proteins from the <a rel="external" href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB </a> database, positioned on the genome through BLASTP of Genscan-predicted peptides to UniProtKB proteins.
1 Uniprot_SW Proteins from the <a rel="external"href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB Swiss-Prot</a> database, aligned to the genome. Protein (UniProt)
1 Uniprot_TR Proteins from the <a rel="external"href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB TrEMBL</a> database, aligned to the genome. Protein (TrEMBL)
1 Uniprot_SW Protein (UniProt) Proteins from the <a rel="external"href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB Swiss-Prot</a> database, aligned to the genome.
1 Uniprot_TR Protein (TrEMBL) Proteins from the <a rel="external"href="http://uniprot.org">UniProtKB TrEMBL</a> database, aligned to the genome.
1 Vertrna Transcripts (EMBL vertebrate) Positions of vertebrate mRNAs along the genome. mRNAs are from the <a rel="external" href="http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl/">EMBL</a> database. Initial alignments are performed using TBLASTN of Genscan-predicted peptides against EMBL mRNAs.
1 WGA2Genes Proteins (BLASTZ) Alignment to a human Ensembl protein inferred by projecting through a BLASTZ DNA alignment to the human genome
1 WGA2GenesDirect Proteins (BLASTZ) Alignment to a human Ensembl protein inferred by projecting through a BLASTZ DNA alignment to the human genome