Explore projects
Benchmarking dataset of PDB structures (various molecule types, experimental methods, weird cases etc.).
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Manuscript submission system project (Europe PMC plus)
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ChEMBL / ChEBI / ChEBI-2.0 / Chebi Ontology Generator
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalData pipeline to generate the ChEBI Ontology from the ChEBI's Postgres Database.
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ChEMBL / ChEBI / ChEBI-2.0 / ChEBI Dumps
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalChEBI data in different formats: TSV, SDF and SQL Dumps
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ebiwd / EBI-Icon-fonts
Apache License 2.0A collection of functional and scientific icons for EMBL-EBI sites.
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embl.org / vf-core-mirror
Apache License 2.0Deployed on https://latest.visual-framework.dev/ and https://stable.visual-framework.dev/ NOTE - DO NOT COMMIT ANYTHING IN THIS REPO, THIS IS MIRROR REPO OF GITHUB. PLEASE COMMIT CHANGES IN GITHUB ONLY.
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BioStudies / subs-biostudies-agent
Apache License 2.0Updated -
This project defines a delayed job that runs structure searches (similarity, substructure, connectivity).
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ensembl-gh-mirror / Bio-DB-HTS
Apache License 2.0Git repo for Bio::DB::HTS module on CPAN, providing Perl links into HTSlib
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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-hive-pbspro
Apache License 2.0'PBS Pro' implementation of Ensembl Hive Meadow interface
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mouse-informatics / gwas-opentargets-integration
Apache License 2.0Updated -