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eard compiler lib&cli; interpreter lib&cli; syntax highlighter; test suite; cli library stubs etc.
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GDP-Public / fraposa pgsc
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ChEMBL / ChEBI / ChEBI-2.0 / Chebi Ontology Generator
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalData pipeline to generate the ChEBI Ontology from the ChEBI's Postgres Database.
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Image to update FPSim2 fingerprints table. It can be used in all our services.
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GDP-Public / pgscatalog_utils
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Microbiome Informatics / emg-viral-pipeline
Apache License 2.0VIRify: detection of phages and eukaryotic viruses from metagenomic and metatranscriptomic assemblies
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Melanie Schneider / EnsembleFlex
MIT LicenseEnsembleFlex - Flexibility Analysis of Structure Ensembles
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Program for generating the contact map difference between two distinct structures with (for now) the same sequence.
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GDP-Public / pgsc_calc
Apache License 2.0A nextflow pipeline for polygenic score calculation
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ensembl-web / ensembl_ticket_manager
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ChEMBL / ChEMBL / chembl_es_data_helper
Apache License 2.0Tools to load data into the ChEMBl Elastic Search cluster, and replicate it.
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AIT / test_to_be_deleted
Apache License 2.0Updated -
AIT / biovalidator
Apache License 2.0Updated