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Literature-services / public-projects / Textmining Utility
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalThis project is required as dependency for all Textmining API component projects and act as common utility project.
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This project is the utility project for all common code used in textminingapi components
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EGA / ega-data-api
Apache License 2.0Updated -
BioStudies / subs-biostudies-agent
Apache License 2.0Updated -
enasequence / sub-taxonomy-client
Apache License 2.0Webin submission project: client for ENA Taxonomy Service.
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mouse-informatics / pdxfinder-data-model
Apache License 2.0Data Model including dao and repositories of the PDX Finder app
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GWAS / goci-rest
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Jeremy Mason / Pdcm Api
Apache License 2.0Updated -
EGA / ega-zuulproxy
Apache License 2.0A front end for the EGA data API. Required for ELIXIR integration. Provides Load Balancing, Traffic Shaping, Automated Retries.
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Rodrey Mark Goite / Ingest Core
Apache License 2.0Core ingest service components, including minimal metadata representation and caching
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Test Maven project with Gitlab CI (With no external Artefactory configured)
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EGA / fire-core
Apache License 2.0Updated