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Frances Rogers / xpub-epmc
MIT LicenseManuscript submission system project (Europe PMC plus)
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This project defines a delayed job that runs biological sequence searches (BLAST).
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This project defines a delayed job that can be used to test that all the system works.
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This project defines a delayed job that runs structure searches (similarity, substructure, connectivity).
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Job that generates an image of a heatmap to use it as a guide for the visualisation.
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petsalakilab / Phenotype_Networks
MIT LicenseUpdated -
petsalakilab / HVSlimPred
MIT LicenseThis package complements the performance evaluation for the manuscript entitled "Use of viral motif mimicry improves the proteome-wide discovery of human linear motifs"
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EGA / ega-data-api
Apache License 2.0Updated -
BioStudies / subs-biostudies-agent
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Program for generating the contact map difference between two distinct structures with (for now) the same sequence.
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Scripts for drupal local development using docker - intended to be a submodule mounted as /bin in drupal repo
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Soumyadip De / tsi-ccdoc
Apache License 2.0Updated -
HAproxy image that autoreconfigures itself when used in Docker Cloud
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