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Commit cf7bf886 authored by Alessandro Vullo's avatar Alessandro Vullo
Browse files

Finished, documented and run tests

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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# gtfSerializer.t
# Test Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::GTFSerializer.
# Strategy:
# In theory, we should know the GTF output for some
# transcripts and compare it against the output of the
# serializer. In practice, this is difficult and very
# time consuming.
# One way to circumnvent this is to start from the observation
# that the serializer was built from the ashes of the web
# script ensembl-webcode/utils/ensembl2gtf_forweb used by
# production to get GTFs for last release (71).
# The strategy is then to download the GTF files for all last release
# species from the FTP site, and for each file compare its output
# relative to transcripts with the corresponding output of the
# serializer.
# Notes:
# - This strategy only works for testing the GTFSerializer during
# the transition from 71 to 72, as after the current release the
# GTF files will be produced using the GTFSerializer itself via
# the Hive pipeline.
# - The first run of the test reports 9 out 610 failuere for certain
# species (canis_familiaris cavia_porcellus danio_rerio equus_caballus
# loxodonta_africana ornithorhynchus_anatinus oryctolagus_cuniculus
# xenopus_tropicalis). This is because the GTFSerializer has corrected
# a bug of the original script, which was using an incorrect codon
# table assumption in method check_start_and_stop which is not working
# for all species.
# Hence, this failures are ok.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
use Test::Differences;
use IO::String;
use Net::FTP;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ApiVersion qw/software_version/;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/gz_work_with_file iterate_lines/;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO qw/gz_work_with_file/; # iterate_lines
# use Bio::EnsEMBL::Test::MultiTestDB;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::IO::GTFSerializer;
use IO::String;
use Net::FTP;
my $current_release = software_version();
my $last_release = $current_release - 1;
my $release = $last_release;
# my $current_release = software_version();
# my $last_release = $current_release - 1;
my $release = 71;
my $registry = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';
eval {
-host => '',
-port => 4240,
-db_version => $release,
-user => 'anonymous',
-verbose => 0
throw "Can't connect to db host" if $@;
note "Connecting to Ensembl FTP site";
my $ftp = eval { ensembl_ftp_connect() };
skip "Cannot login to Ensembl FTP site. We cannot continue with the tests"
skip "Cannot login to Ensembl FTP site. We cannot continue with the tests", 1
if $@;
note "Retrieving species list";
my $species_list = eval { get_species_list($ftp, $release) };
skip "Cannot retrieve GTF species list from FTP site (release $release). We cannot continue with the tests."
skip "Cannot retrieve GTF species list from FTP site (release $release). We cannot continue with the tests.", 1
if $@;
skip "Empty GTF species list from FTP site (release $release). We cannot continue with the tests"
skip "Empty GTF species list from FTP site (release $release). We cannot continue with the tests", 1
unless scalar $species_list;
foreach my $species (@{$species_list}) {
note "Testing GTF dumps for species $species";
my $species_gtf =
retrieve_gtf_for_species($ftp, $release, $species);
skip "Cannot retrieve GTF for $species. We cannot continue with the tests"
skip "Cannot retrieve GTF for $species. We cannot continue with the tests", 1
unless $species_gtf;
note "Fetching GTF for 10 transcripts randomly chosen";
my $transcripts_gtf = get_random_transcripts_gtf($species_gtf, 10);
note "Fetching GTF for 10 randomly chosen transcripts";
my $transcripts_gtf = eval { get_random_transcripts_gtf($species_gtf, 10) };
skip "Couldn't fetch 10 transcript. We cannot continue the test.", 1
unless scalar keys %{$transcripts_gtf} == 10;
note "Comparing GTF serializer output with release $release data for $species";
compare_transcript_output($species, $transcripts_gtf);
unlink $species_gtf;
......@@ -45,19 +106,49 @@ SKIP: {
sub compare_transcript_output {
my ($species, $transcripts_gtf) = @_;
my $transcript_adaptor =
$registry->get_adaptor( $species, 'Core', 'Transcript' );
foreach my $transcript_id (keys %{$transcripts_gtf}) {
my $transcript = $transcript_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($transcript_id);
defined $transcript or
$transcript = $transcript_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($transcript_id);
skip "Cannot retrieve transcript $transcript_id. Skipping test", 1
unless defined $transcript;
my $fh = IO::String->new();
my $gtf_serializer =
is(${$fh->string_ref()}, $transcripts_gtf->{$transcript_id}, "Transcript $transcript_id serialises to GTF as expected");
# if ($eq_out == 0) {
# diag ${$fh->string_ref()};
# diag $transcripts_gtf->{$transcript_id};
# }
sub get_random_transcripts_gtf {
my ($gtf_file, $how_many_transcripts) = @_;
my $transcripts_gtf;
gz_work_with_file($gtf_file, 'r', sub {
my ($fh) = @_;
while( my $line = <$fh> and scalar keys %{$transcripts_gtf} < $how_many_transcripts) {
if(random > .5) {
$line =~ /transcript_id \"(.+?)\"/; # double quotes?
$transcripts_gtf->{$1} = $line;
my $last_insert;
while( defined $fh and my $line = <$fh> and scalar keys %{$transcripts_gtf} <= $how_many_transcripts) {
$line =~ /transcript_id \"(.+?)\"/;
$transcripts_gtf->{$1} .= $line;
$last_insert = $1;
delete $transcripts_gtf->{$last_insert};
return $transcripts_gtf;
......@@ -70,6 +161,8 @@ sub retrieve_gtf_for_species {
my @gtf_files = grep { $_ =~ /gtf/ } @{$ftp->ls()};
throw("No GTF file detected for $species")
unless scalar @gtf_files;
throw("More than one GTF file detected for $species")
if scalar @gtf_files > 1;
......@@ -125,4 +218,4 @@ sub ensembl_ftp_connect {
# is(${$fh->string_ref()}, $expected, 'Gene serialises to GFF3 as expected');
# }
# done_testing();
\ No newline at end of file
# done_testing();
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