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- Jul 16, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
on failure and retry_count>=5. Also changed Queen analysis summary to classify an analysis as 'DONE' when all jobs are either DONE or FAILED and hence allow the processing to proceed forward.
- Jul 15, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
to prevent excessive workers from saturating the system.
- Jul 14, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
setting (e.g. lsf job_id and array_index
- Jul 13, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
workers currently running
Jessica Severin authored
the analysis has effectively no system load and an unlimited number of workers of that analysis can run at any one time.
Jessica Severin authored
added get_num_needed_workers method which does a load analysis between the living workers and the workers needed to complete the available jobs. Returns a simple count which a beekeeper can use to allocate workers on computers. The workers are created without specific analyses but get assigned one by the Queen when they are created.
- Jul 09, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
Also added functionality so that runWorker can be run without specification of an analysis. The create_new_worker method now will query for a 'needed worker' analysis from the AnalysisStats adaptor when the analysis_id is undef. This simplifies the API interface between the Queen and the beekeepers. Now the beekeeper only needs to receive a count of workers. The workers can still be run with explicit analyses for testing or situations where one wants to manually control the processing. Now one can simply do bsub -JW[1-100] runWorker -url mysql://ensadmin:<pass>@ecs2:3361/compara_hive_jess_23 to create 100 workers which will become whatever analysis that needs to be done.
- Jun 17, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
(was still using the original idea of setting batch_size as constant in the RunnableDB class). Need to deprecate that idea.
- Jun 16, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
state of all jobs on the hive. added get_analysis method to AnalysisStates which loads the analysis for the analysis_id. Modified print_stats to produce a more descriptive table of stats.
- Jun 14, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
analyses by fetching all the control rules and checking the distributed conditions that they are all 'DONE'
Jessica Severin authored
Jessica Severin authored
Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::DBAdaptor to match symetry with core,pipeline,compara This means I can remove all 'hive' adaptors from compara now and the URLFactory now returns by default a Hive::DBSQL::DBAdaptor. This also means I can make my graph configuring runnableDBs really adaptible to run on both Pipeline and Hive systems by doing if($self->db->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::DBAdaptor')) {...} if($self->db->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Hive::DBAdaptor')) {...}
Jessica Severin authored
Jessica Severin authored
'living' workers in the hive. Also changed the way adaptors are held to avoid any problems of the type of DBAdaptor used to create the queen
- Jun 08, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
Jessica Severin authored
this logic into the Queen
Jessica Severin authored
and summarizes it's state via analysis_stats.
- Jun 07, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
URL's to specify analysis objects from mysql databases distributed across a network. AnalysisJobAdaptor was switched to create jobs with a cless method that gets the db connection from the analysis object that is passed. Thus the system now exists in a distributed state. The dataflow rule also implements branching via the branch_code. SimpleRule will be deprecated.
- Jun 04, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
workers) and added methods for reseting jobs for a lost worker. $queen->register_worker_death($worker) without a defined cause_of_death will register worker as a FATALITY and reset its unfinished jobs.
- May 27, 2004
Jessica Severin authored
the analysis table/object. New object class and tables includes a good guess of what kind of stats I'll need for the Queen to monitor a hive Also cleaned up some bugs caused by the extraction from compara.
- May 25, 2004
Jessica Severin authored