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petsalakilab / centools
OtherCEN-tools is an integrative tool that identifies the underlying context that is associated with the essentiality of a gene from large-scale genome-scale CRISPR screens.
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This is the python implementation of CEN-tools, an integrative tool that identifies the underlying context that is associated with the essentiality of a gene from large-scale genome-scale CRISPR screens
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ChEMBL / ChEBI / ChEBI-2.0 / Chebi Ontology Generator
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalData pipeline to generate the ChEBI Ontology from the ChEBI's Postgres Database.
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Ijaz Ahmad / gitlab-k8s-python-demo
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ChEMBL / ChEBI / ChEBI-2.0 / ChEBI Dumps
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalChEBI data in different formats: TSV, SDF and SQL Dumps
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Joint workshop on programmatic access and web components offered by PDBe and UniProt
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Literature-services / public-projects / ML EMBL Publication Project
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ChEMBL / ChEBI / ChEBI-2.0 / ChEBI Data Management
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalChEBI database management
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This project defines a delayed job that runs structure searches (similarity, substructure, connectivity).
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mouse-informatics / gwas-opentargets-integration
Apache License 2.0Updated