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archived 3Updated
Django package containing chebi models.
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Manuscript submission system project (Europe PMC plus)
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Europe PMC Annotated Fulltext Corpus of 300 articles for core entity types (Gene/Proteins, Diseases and Species)
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A library for locating and annotating plain text in HTML
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This is the python implementation of CEN-tools, an integrative tool that identifies the underlying context that is associated with the essentiality of a gene from large-scale genome-scale CRISPR screens
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pdbe-kb / funpdbe / funpdbe-validator
Apache License 2.0FunPDBe Validator client that can parse and validate FunPDBe JSON files
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Data pipeline to generate the ChEBI Ontology from the ChEBI's Postgres Database.
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A project to host reports and interactive visualisations for Europe PMC
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Flat file format specification and java API for sequence data.
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ebiwd / rthelper
Apache License 2.0This script provides a number of user enhancements to the default interface of RT at EBI, to enable quicker and easier management of tickets.