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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-hive-htcondor
Apache License 2.0HTCondor Meadow for Ensembl Hive
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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-hive-pbspro
Apache License 2.0'PBS Pro' implementation of Ensembl Hive Meadow interface
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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-hive-docker-swarm
Apache License 2.0'Docker Swarm' implementation of Ensembl Hive Meadow interface
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ensembl-gh-mirror / webvm
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Project that is able to generate subsets of indexes in ChEMBL. Useful for handling queries that involve many terms.
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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-xs
Apache License 2.0A collection of XS modules to be used with the Ensembl APIs
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ensembl-gh-mirror / ensembl-test
Apache License 2.0Test libraries and harnesses used for running the Ensembl test suite
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petsalakilab / SELPHI_2.0
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ensembl-gh-mirror / Bio-DB-HTS
Apache License 2.0Git repo for Bio::DB::HTS module on CPAN, providing Perl links into HTSlib
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GDP-Public / fraposa pgsc
MIT LicenseUpdated -
pgscatalog / fraposa_pgsc
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ensembl-web / ensembl_ticket_manager
Apache License 2.0Updated -
pgscatalog / pgscatalog_utils
Apache License 2.0Updated -
A simple API that runs delayed jobs. It allows to submit a job and check it's status. When a job finishes it saves the results in the NFS.