- Nov 10, 2017
Alex Clemmer authored
Historically, every time we've needed to write out something tabular, we've hand-rolled an ad hoc padded row writer. Yes, in each case. Such is #startuplife. The third time we did this we wrote this with bugs, and so now we are rewriting it in a general, tested function, and transitioning all places where we call this to use this function.
Alex Clemmer authored
Renaming environment should also rename nested .jsonnet
- Nov 09, 2017
Alex Clemmer authored
[bug fix] Fix optionalParam defaults
Jessica Yao authored
Jessica Yao <jessica@heptio.com>
Jessica Yuen authored
Currently the env directory is being renamed on `env set foo --name=bar`, however the `foo.jsonnet` file also needs to be renamed to `bar.jsonnet`. This commit fixes that.
Alex Clemmer authored
De/serialize specification objects with YAML
Alex Clemmer authored
Add optional params to prototype spec
- Nov 08, 2017
Jess authored
Jsonnet handling of component names with special characters
Alex Clemmer authored
Fixes #69. Currently we allow users to specify prototypes using Jsonnet. At the head of each prototype should be a comment with semi-structured metadata, e.g., // @apiVersion 0.0.1 // @name io.ksonnet.pkg.nginx-simple // @description Deploys a simple, stateless nginx server with server // blocks (roughly equivalent // to nginx virtual hosts). The nginx container is deployed using a // Kubernetes deployment, and is exposed to a network with a service. // @param namespace string default Namespace in which to put the // application // @param name string Name to give to each of the components Critically, some metadata about params is stored using the `@param` tag, including name, type, and description, for pretty printing. This commit will introduce a new param type, `@optionalParam`. This type has a name, type, default value, and description. It is currently not possible to specify a default value with spaces, but this should be good enough for MVP.
Alex Clemmer authored
Fixes #48. Currently the structs `app.Spec`, `registry.Spec`, and `parts.Spec` are all serialized and deserialized using JSON instead of YAML. This commit will resolve this issue.
Jessica Yuen authored
Currently, if a component name contains a special character, ex: foo-bar, this translates to the jsonnet identifier: foo-bar, which is invalid syntax. This change will quote component names where there are special characters.
Alex Clemmer authored
Add `vendor/` to Jsonnet paths
Alex Clemmer authored
Pass context & overrides by reference when initiating client
Alex Clemmer authored
This resolves the first half of #68. When we `generate` using a prototype from a vendored dependency, it often results in a compilation error when we `apply`, because these prototypes usually depend on code that exists in the dependency, and `vendor/` is not a part of the Jsonnet search path. This commit resolves this problem by adding it to the search path.
Jessica Yuen authored
This fixes the bug where objects weren't being deployed to the cluster specified by the environment. This bug occurred because overrides (ex: cluster, namespace) were being lost because we weren't applying the changes to the correct override object. To fix this, we needed to pass the overrides by reference.
Alex Clemmer authored
Add ability to retrieve prototypes from vendor/
- Nov 07, 2017
Alex Clemmer authored
- Nov 06, 2017
Alex Clemmer authored
Add alias 'ks generate' for 'ks prototype use'
Alex Clemmer authored
Add rudimentary package management
Alex Clemmer authored
Alex Clemmer authored
Alex Clemmer authored
The ksonnet project exposes a "default" registry, `incubator`, in the ksonnet/parts repository. This commit will cause ever `ks init` command to automatically add this registry to the ksonnet application.
Alex Clemmer authored
The vast majority of ksonnet apps will know about at least one registry, the official ksonnet `incubator` registry. In general, managing registries can involve fairly complex logic (e.g., resolving a reference to a registry to a remote registry specification; finding all libraries exposed by a registry; and so on). This commit will introduce the `registry.Manager` abstraction, as well as an implementation for registries hosted as GitHub repositories.
Alex Clemmer authored
When the user calls `ks init <whatever>`, we need to emit an `app.yaml` for the new project. This commit will introduce such behavior.
Alex Clemmer authored
Alex Clemmer authored
Every ksonnet application has an `app.yaml`, which is similar in principle to node.js's `package.json`. It contains important metadata, such as description, names, and information about dependencies. This is similarly true of `registry.yaml`, which contains information about a package registry. This commit will introduce schemas for both these files.
Alex Clemmer authored
Jessica Yuen authored
Alex Clemmer authored
Introduce environment params
- Nov 04, 2017
Jessica Yuen authored
Pretty prints differences between the component parameters of two environments. A component flag is accepted to diff against a single component. By default, the diff is performed against all components.
Jessica Yuen authored
Pretty prints component or environment parameters. This command will display all parameters for the component specified. If a component is not specified, parameters for all components will be listed. Furthermore, parameters can be listed on a per-environment basis. Examples: List all component parameters ks param list List all parameters for the component "guestbook" ks param list guestbook List all parameters for the environment "dev" ks param list --env=dev List all parameters for the component "guestbook" in the environment "dev" ks param list guestbook --env=dev`,
Jessica Yuen authored
Parameters are the customizable fields defining ksonnet components. For example, replica count, component name, or deployment image. Parameters are also able to be defined separately across environments. Meaning, this supports features to allow a "development" environment to only run a single replication instance for it's components, whereas allowing a "production" environment to run more replication instances to meet heavier production load demands. 'ks param set' is defined as follows: 'ks param set <component-name> <param-key> <param-value>' Examples: Updates the replica count of the 'guestbook' component to 4. 'ks param set guestbook replicas 4' Updates the replica count of the 'guestbook' component to 2 for the environment 'dev' 'ks param set guestbook replicas 2 --env=dev'
Jessica Yuen authored
The goal of this commit is to add an interface to `metadata.Manager` that allows retrieving of all environment params: `getEnvironmentParams(envName)`. This is done by: 1. Adding functionality to the snippet parser to get all environment params out of the snippet read from `environments/<env>/params.libsonnet` 2. Adding functionality to the snippet parser to get all component params out of the snippet read from `components/params.libsonnet` 3. Having the `metadata.Manager` implementation handle the 'joining' of params from 1) and 2), and returning that result.
Jessica Yuen authored
This commit will add an interface `SetEnvironmentParams` to metadata.Manager that allows setting of env params. Also implements the logic for parsing the jsonnet snippet to append / modify params in simple env param schemas. It will: 1. Update the params if the component exists in the jsonnet snippet. 2. Add the component if it does not exist.
Jessica Yuen authored
This commit will add an interface `GetComponentParams` to metadata.Manager that returns a map of parameters for the passed in component. Also implements the logic for parsing the jsonnet snippet to retrieve the parameters. This functionality will later support new commands to list parameters.
Jessica Yuen authored
This commit will: 1. Add an interface `SetComponentParams` to metadata.Manager that takes a list of parameters and sets those fields for the given component. 2. Add the jsonnet snippet manipulation logic that does the 'setting'. Parameters are set by: a. Keeping track of the parameters that are to be modified / added -- this defaults to the parameters provided to us. b. Discovering the current parameters in the existing snippet. c. Adding any parameters from (b) that is not in (a). d. Swapping out the old parameters with (c) in the snippet based on the location text span, and returning the new snippet.
Jessica Yuen authored
This commit will append both mandatory and optional prototype parameters to the component params.libsonnet file on `ks gen foo ...`. Default values will be used for optional params where the user does not specify flags to `ks gen foo ...`. Because we are trying to append to jsonnet, we will have to traverse the AST to first identify the location of where to insert the new component params. New components will be inserted at the bottom of the components object, with the params ordered alphabetically.
Jessica Yuen authored
We are currently parsing system prototypes using the default TextMate snippet which does not take into account the translation of params of format `import 'param://foo`. The jsonnet snippet parser does take this into account.
param://...Jessica Yuen authored
Rewrite system prototype params from `${foo}` format to `import 'param://foo'` so that they can be parsed correctly by the jsonnet snippet.
- Oct 31, 2017
Jessica Yuen authored
This commit will cause the jsonnet snippet parser to parse input of the form `import 'param://foo` to `params.foo` as opposed to the previous `${foo}`. ${foo} does not provide an easily accessible way to the params that are exposed through the params.libsonnet file. Since parameters are being exposed using a local 'params' variable, it makes sense for the jsonnet snippet to parse `import param://foo as `params.foo` instead.